We provide full coverage of the entire supply chain process, from the origin of goods to their final destination in India
Panbulk Shipping provides full coverage of the entire supply chain process, from the origin of goods to their final destination in India. This includes all stages and processes to ensure efficient movement, storage, stevedoring, and delivery of cargo. By outsourcing end-to-end logistics, clients can focus on their core operations while benefiting from the efficiencies and enhancements in customer experience provided by a comprehensive logistics strategy.
Ship Owning
Panbulk Shipping gives Ship Owning as a Service.This includes; market report, Identification of suitable ships, vessel inspection and rating, financial modelling, smooth takeover, etc. ​
Insurance management
Panbulk offers insurance management as a service to its clients, involving outsourcing the comprehensive handling of insurance needs to specialized service providers. These services include risk assessment, policy management, claims processing, and compliance, among other tasks. ​​​​​​


We provide a wide range of management services aimed at optimizing the commercial performance of your vessels and cargoes.

At Panbulk Shipping, we take pride in our comprehensive ship operating and management services, currently managing 5 Panamax vessels for the Ripley Group in India.